How Much Is My Premises Liability Case Worth? Study Reveals Median Amounts Awarded At Trial In Personal Injury Cases

Although no one should have to suffer the pain and injury of a terrible sexual assault, sexual assaults, unfortunately, happen every day across Houston and throughout the rest of the world. In Houston, when a person is sexually assaulted not at their own home, but on the property of a business or property owner, Texas state premises liability laws enable those sexual assault victims to sue not only the perpetrator of the sexual assault in court, but also the business or property owner for failing to maintain a safe property. Under Texas state premises liability civil laws, victims of sexual assaults who were sexually assaulted on a business or property owner’s property can recover compensation such as medical costs due to the assault, money damages for physical pain, compensation for the loss of the ability to earn money due to physical or mental injuries, and other compensation.
In order to recover money damages for injuries sustained from a sexual assault and other compensation under Texas premises liability laws, a plaintiff – that is the victim of the sexual assault – must file a complaint in court. After the complaint is filed, litigation in the case commences, and, usually after some discussion with the defendant’s counsel – the lawyers representing the person who is responsible under the law for all or part of the injuries and who the lawsuit is against – and perhaps after some initial discovery (information gathering and investigation into the case) is done, the parties may consider resolving the case through settlement, rather than litigating the case all the way through trial.
However, plaintiffs who are offered the option to resolve their case through settlement may wonder whether it is worth it to come to the table to negotiate a resolution, or whether it makes more sense to litigate the case all the way through trial for a verdict and, hopefully, an award in their favor. There are many reasons, including the risks of an unfavorable verdict, time, energy, expense, and many more, that may make settlement a tempting choice. In addition, helpful to plaintiffs who are considering settlement is the amount that they might get if they take the case all the way to trial and, importantly, win it.
An article in Forbes Advisor online sheds light into the average verdict amounts in personal injury cases, including premises liability cases. According to the article, based on information from the U.S. department of justice, as of 2005, the median award in premises liability cases in the United States is $90,000 per case. Significantly, this is three times higher than the median amount awarded in all personal injury cases that the Department studied, with the median award for all personal injury cases being $31,000 per case. Of course, every case is different and the amount awarded in every unique case will be determined by a variety of factors.
Help with Your Sexual Assault Premises Liability Case in Houston
An experienced Houston premises liability lawyer can help walk you through all of the ins-and-outs of the settlement and trial processes and help you determine a strategy for your unique case. If you are the survivor of a sexual assault on a business property in Houston, the Gilde Law Firm is here to listen to your story and to see if they can help fight to get you compensation. Contact the Gilde Law Firm today for a free and confidential consultation and speak to a lawyer about your rights and options.