18-Wheeler Crash Into Texas Community Center Underscores The Dangers Of Trucking Accidents Even At Low Speeds

It is hard to imagine a scenario more terrifying than sitting and relaxing at a neighborhood community center when a gigantic 18-wheeler semi-truck comes crashing through the building. However, this very scenario occurred in early January this year, in a Chandler, Texas neighborhood. According to local reports, at approximately 6:00 in the morning of January 6, 2023, an 18-wheeler semi-truck barreled through the Chandler Community Center building, located near State Highway 31. Authorities believe that the 18-wheeler truck was traveling eastbound on Highway 31 and came to the Sawmill Road intersection, where another vehicle ran the intersection’s stoplight. The 18-wheeler truck collided with the car that ran the stoplight, lost control, and crossed the highway while out of control. The 18-wheeler truck then went through a parking lot, crashed into three cars, and then crashed into the community center on the Chamber of Commerce-side of the building. The 18-wheeler truck is said to also have dragged one of the cars it hit in the parking lot as it ran into the community center. Ultimately, three people were taken to the hospital, the driver of the semi-truck and the occupants of the car that ran the stoplight at the intersection.
Low Speeds but Heavy Weights Make 18-Wheeler Trucks Dangerous
Although the 18-wheeler truck is said to have been traveling at fairly low speeds, it was still able to do some serious damages. This is, at least in part, because 18-wheeler trucks are extremely heavy machines, both loaded and unloaded. Chandler Police Chief Calon Rollins, who was on the scene of the 18-wheeler accident, confirms the dangers of semi-truck accidents, stating, “it’s pretty low speeds through here, which a lot of people are shocked that there’s this much damage. It’s 45-50 miles an hour, but you’ve got an 18-wheeler that’s loaded now with gravel or sand. It’s a lot of weight.” Importantly, an 18-wheeler truck can weigh around 35,000 pounds when it is sitting empty, and up to a whopping 80,000 pounds once it is loaded.
Help with an 18-Wheeler Trucking Accident in Houston
Fortunately, no one inside the community center was injured in this harrowing recent story. However, injuries from 18-wheeler truck accidents can be very serious, and even fatal. If you or a loved one has been involved in an 18-wheeler truck accident and were injured, due to the fault of the negligent 18-wheeler truck driver, you may be entitled to money damages. Contact the law offices of the Gilde Law Firm today to speak to a lawyer about your Houston 18-wheeler trucking accident and to see if they can fight for you. The experienced and skilled Houston truck accident lawyers at the Gilde Law Firm offer a free and confidential consultation to hear your side of the story and to see if they can help you get compensation. Contact the Gilde Law Firm today and speak to a lawyer about your rights and options for free.