Curious about What Happens in a Houston Personal Injury Case? Here’s What to Expect

Although most Houstonians have probably seen a personal injury case play out on television dramas, the news, or in the movies, few people actually get a glimpse into the inner-workings of a personal injury case until they are faced with their own. Accordingly, there are many myths to be busted about how personal injury cases in Houston actually work, what the typical case entails, and what a person who has been seriously injured due to the fault of another party should expect when they initiate a Houston personal injury case. Although no legal case is the same, and the same goes for personal injury cases in Houston, there are some steps that are typical in Houston personal injury cases. To help Houstonians better understand what they might see in their Houston personal injury case, we explain the typical steps in a Houston personal injury case here.
Step 1. A Consultation with Your Houston Personal Injury Lawyer
The very first step in a Houston personal injury case is to seek out the help of an experienced Houston personal injury lawyer. An experienced Houston personal injury lawyer will ask you about the facts of your case and review evidence that you have gathered, including witness testimony, medical records, police reports, and other evidence. A Houston personal injury lawyer will then explain your rights and options and determine whether they can represent you. One pro-tip: some Houston personal injury lawyers offer a free initial consultation. The experienced Houston personal injury lawyers at the Gilde Law Firm offer a free and confidential initial consultation to learn about your case and to see if they can help fight for you.
Step 2. Filing a Houston Personal Injury Case
After you select a Houston personal injury lawyer, and you and the lawyer agree to work with each other, the Houston personal injury lawyer will prepare and file a complaint. The complaint is the main document that initiates your case and contains the allegations as well as the relief sought.
Step 3. Discovery in a Houston Personal Injury Case
After your complaint is filed, typically parties to a Houston personal injury lawsuit engage in discovery, which is the exchange of information relevant to the case. Both sides of the case can request documents and written answers to questions from each other, and can depose witnesses to support their position in court.
Step 4. Mediation and Negotiation in a Houston Personal Injury Case
Not all Houston personal injury cases are resolved by a full-blown trial. Often the parties will see if they can resolve the case through informal face-to-face negotiations, or by hiring a skilled Houston personal injury mediator.
Step 5. Litigation and Trial in a Houston Personal Injury Case
Some Houston personal injury cases must be hard-fought through litigation and trial. Your Houston personal injury lawyer will prepare you for all the steps necessary in your Houston personal injury trial and will do their best to help you get justice in court.
Finding a Houston Personal Injury Lawyer
As demonstrated above, Houston personal injury cases can be complex cases, and the assistance of an experienced Houston personal injury lawyer may be invaluable to your case. The skilled and experienced Houston personal injury lawyers at the Gilde Law Firm are here to help you with your Houston personal injury case, and offer a free and confidential initial consultation. Contact the Gilde Law Firm today and speak to an experienced Houston personal injury lawyer about your case for free.