Common Types Of Auto Accidents

Auto accidents happen every day, and the type of accident that occurs can have a significant impact on the extent of a victim’s injuries and the compensation that they deserve. Regardless of how the accident occurs, the experienced and dedicated personal injury attorneys at Gilde Law Firm in Houston are here to help you and your loved ones after a crash. To learn more about the wide range of legal services offered to our clients and to schedule a free consultation of your case, talk to our office today.
Front-End Collisions
Front-end collisions occur less frequently than other types of car accidents, but they also have a higher likelihood of causing severe injuries or death. This type of crash happens when the front end of one vehicle collides with the front end of another. Front-end collisions happen more often at night, and in many cases the driver at fault either falls asleep or is under the influence when the crash occurs.
Rear-End Collisions
Rear-end collisions occur when the front end of one vehicle strikes the rear end of another. This type of accident happens most often at intersections when the driver behind is not paying attention to the situation in front of them. In many cases, the reasons cited for a rear-end collision include distracted driving or speeding too fast to slow down in time. Rear-end accidents also have the capacity to cause a multi-car accident if the initial strike causes a chain reaction to other vehicles ahead of it.
Broadside Accidents
Broadside accidents, also known as T-bone accidents, happen when the front end of one vehicle strikes the side of another vehicle. This type of accident happens most often at intersections and locations where vehicles can enter or exit the roadway. A T-bone accident can happen at any time of day or night and can be caused by many different things. Some broadside crashes happen because one driver ignores traffic signs or signals and strikes another vehicle that has the right of way. Other T-bone crashes happen because a driver fails to check before making a left- or right-hand turn in an intersection, striking another vehicle.
Rollover Crashes
The last type of common auto accident is a rollover accident. This type of accident happens when a vehicle strikes an object with such force that it causes the vehicle to flip over on itself, either rolling end over end from the front or on its side. The force required to cause a rollover accident is often substantial, and the injuries reported in this type of crash are often devastating. To learn more about the common types of auto accidents and how it might impact your case, talk to our office today.
Call or Contact Our Office Now
At Gilde Law Firm, our Houston auto accident attorneys have handled all types of auto accidents and have the experience you need for your injury case. To learn more about what your case might be worth, call or contact our office to schedule a free consultation.