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Gilde Law Firm Wins $1.2 Billion Verdict for Woman Victimized by Image-Based Sexual Abuse

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Monthly Archives: December 2022


Defining A Sexual Assault: Sexual Assault In Houston Premises Liability Claims

By Gilde Law Firm |

Sexual assault is a very serious crime in Texas and throughout the United States. The forcible penetration of a person in a sexual manner that is unwanted and sometimes violent is one of the worst crimes that a person can commit against another. However, sexual assaults are not unheard of in Texas and throughout… Read More »

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I Got Cancer From Camp LeJeune Toxic Water. What Are My Next Steps?

By Gilde Law Firm |

Since the passage of the Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxins Act of 2022, known as the PACT Act of 2022, and the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, thousands of veterans and their family members from all over the country have submitted claims in order to get compensation for damages related to cancer and… Read More »

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Kansas City Hotel Rape Highlights Dangers Present In Seemingly Safe Spaces

By Gilde Law Firm |

A hotel is a place people go to rest, relax, and unwind after a long day of travel, hard work, or even just fun on vacation. When people stay at a hotel, they expect that they are safe, with individual keys, key-card locked elevators, and hotel staff present around the clock and at the… Read More »

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The Dangers Of 18-Wheeler Trucks On Houston Roads And Highways

By Gilde Law Firm |

Pretty much every Texan is familiar with 18-wheeler trucks. Whether you know the lingo for 18-wheelers, such as semi-truck, eighteen-wheeler, “big rig”, tractor-trailer, or “semi”, everyone is familiar with the large trucks that drive down the road hauling trailers, refrigerator units, logs, flatbeds, or tankers. 18-wheelers remain one of the most important pieces of… Read More »

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We’re In This Together: The Top 5 Tips For Picking Your Camp LeJeune Toxic Water Injury Lawyer

By Gilde Law Firm |

It is now widely known that millions of service members and their families were exposed to toxic and harmful water at Camp LeJeune for over thirty years from the 1950s to the late 1980s.  It is also becoming common knowledge that service members who lived at Camp LeJeune and military family members have recourse… Read More »

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53’ To 87’: The Importance Of The Claims Period In Camp LeJeune Toxic Water Contamination Litigation

By Gilde Law Firm |

It is now well-known throughout the United States that for an over thirty-year period U.S. veterans and military families were exposed to toxic water at North Carolina military base Camp LeJeune. At Camp LeJeune, it is estimated that millions were exposed to contaminated water in showers and baths, when cooking, drinking, and doing any… Read More »

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