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Houston Aviation Accident Lawyer

Aviation accidents can involve any aircraft, including commercial airplanes, private jets, helicopters, and more. Accidents that occur in the air, or even on land but in a much larger vehicle, are extremely serious and they are much more complex than accidents involving other vehicles. If you or someone you love has been hurt, it is important to speak to a Houston aviation accident lawyer that can help you claim the damages you deserve.

How Do Aviation Accidents Differ from Others?

Aviation accidents differ from other types of accidents in a number of ways. One of the main ways they differ is that accident victims can rarely determine what caused the crash. Like other accidents, aviation crashes happen in an instant, and they typically begin in the cockpit or in other areas of the plane not visible to passengers. This makes it impossible for victims to know why the accident happened in the first place.

Most tragically, aviation accidents are much more likely to result in wrongful death than other types of vehicle accidents. In some cases, such as when a plane crashes from 30,000 feet in the air, no one onboard the plane survives. Not only is this a tragedy, but it makes it even harder for loved ones to determine what caused the crash. When there are survivors of a plane crash, they can provide statements that indicate how the accident happened, such as that their oxygen masks were released, or they saw smoke coming from one of the engines.

Also, while most accident claims will involve an insurance company, an aviation accident can involve many different insurers. All of them will prioritize their own profits over the rights of accident victims and their families, making it harder for them to claim the compensation they deserve.

Determining Liability After an Aviation Accident

Again, determining liability after an aviation accident is extremely difficult. Many different acts of negligence can cause an accident on an aircraft, and a number of parties can make those careless actions. The potentially liable parties after an aviation accident may include:

  • Pilots and co-pilots
  • Owners of the aircraft
  • Sellers, manufacturers, and designers of the aircraft
  • Employers of the pilot or operator company
  • Flight instructors and flight schools
  • Air traffic controllers and other flight staff
  • Any individual that rented the aircraft
  • Crew members, such as anyone who inspected or maintained the aircraft
  • Owner or operator of the airfield or helipad
  • Publishers of the maintenance or operational manuals
  • Owners of certain hazards, such as cell towers, TV towers, and buildings

A Houston aviation accidents lawyer will have the experience necessary to determine how the crash happened, and who is liable.

Our Aviation Accidents Lawyers in Houston Can Advise on Your Claim

At Gilde Law Firm, our experienced Houston aviation accidents lawyers know the devastation that follows a crash. It is for this reason we will fight for you and your family and give you the best chance of a successful outcome. Call us today at 800-973-3106 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help you and your family.